Update clash of clans for android
Update clash of clans for android

connect game clients with servers and build the game through cocos2dx. Now build the game to generate apk and ipk files for android and ios. Modify a CODE \ trunk \ client \ dpsg \ serverip.xml and change the server details there. More than a few steps, no problem as long as the server configuration, should beĪble to start ok, you can use the server exe compiled. The last if there are problems start ~ dpsg-1_ALL.bat, for debugging 1.7 server start See GoWork \ serverrun, has written a batch, first configured server Network situation, modify the ip cache and database password and this is very important to confirm the desired changes can start the You need to use google translate for translating in the english,and needs good knowledge of the game developement and programming in the cocos2dxġ.1 Setup Ide environment and mysql environmentġ.2 download Cocos2dx, this is a development toolġ.3 GoWork directory service for the win at the end of the working directoryġ.4 database import: \ GoWork \ Server \ SQLġ.5 file server running in GoWork \ server \ src \ tools \ bin directoryġ.6 json file bin directory of the configuration file for the server, according to the More Installations and more instructions are in the zip file, Trunk / bin / gmservercfg.json line 3 ip to aĬcording to their demands to modify the partition profile gas1.json, gas2.json, gas3.jsonĬlient under Resources / serverip.xml set up inside the server ip and port to gs as gm server, cs server login account Modification GM server configuration file Trunk / bin outside / chatservercfg.json 9 ip and port network behavior

update clash of clans for android

Modification chat server configuration file Trunk / bin / center.json outer 12 ip and port network behavior Trunk / bin / accountserver.json outer section 8 ip and port network behavior Modify the login server configuration file Here are the instructions which will guide in setup the server and client.Also make sure that you have perior game building experience Second version of clash of clans clone, also check attachment for guide

Update clash of clans for android