Jeffrey toobin zoom video nude
Jeffrey toobin zoom video nude

jeffrey toobin zoom video nude

The New Yorker exercise was part of a subgenre of fantasy fiction that has grown in popularity with the Acela establishment as the election draws nearer. But why fill roles for the US military and ‘the courts’, performed by Toobin himself?īecause it was a coup scenario: what happens if Trump fails to respect the outcome of an election that the New Yorker and other standard-bearers of the liberal order have already decided in favor of Biden? Answer: when the courts rule in favor of Democratic party lawyers litigating every district lost by Biden, and Trump locks himself in a White House bunker, the Pentagon will order the same SEAL team that killed Osama bin Laden to frogmarch the Orange Man in an orange jumpsuit out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to the steady applause of a grateful nation.

jeffrey toobin zoom video nude

Clearly any election role-playing game would have parts for the candidates and their parties. Jane Mayer dressed up as ‘establishment Republicans’. Biden was played by Evan Osnos, Trump by Masha Gessen. New Yorker staff writers were cast as principal players. In preparation for November 3, the two media organizations were playing out various scenarios of what’s likely to happen the first Tuesday in November, and after. Toobin says he didn’t know his colleagues could see him when he pulled out his penis last week during an ‘election simulation’ held by the New Yorker and WNYC radio. In other words, Toobin is being punished for having the precise response that the exercise was designed to elicit. Toobin masturbated during a Zoom video conference in which he and his colleagues fantasized about forcibly removing Donald Trump from office and throwing him in jail. What possible sin could he have committed that forced these pillars of the media establishment to sideline a bonafide star with the presidential election less than two weeks away and Team Joe Biden needing every hand on deck? On Monday, the New Yorker writer was suspended by the magazine for which he’s written for two decades, and took a leave of absence from CNN, where’s he served as a legal affairs analyst since 2002.

Jeffrey toobin zoom video nude